
On My Mind... school photos

My little person had his first school photos taken this year. (Well, daycare photos.) When we first got the information sent home I thought it was a little unnecessary. I mean he’s two and we have A LOT of photos of him. Then I thought oh no – do I put him in his knock about day care clothes or risk staining his nice weekend clothes for the photos? Then I felt sorry for the teachers having to corral a dozen 0-3 year olds into a group photo. But when the day arrived I was just plain excited!

And I have continued to be excited for the last six weeks waiting for them to arrive. I must have asked his teachers every day for the last two weeks if they were available. I think they should have made a sign just saying "No!" to hold up everytime they saw me coming.

Anyway, they have arrived and the wait was worth it! If I do say so myself they are beautiful photos.

I am very grateful to the photographer and his teachers for making it a fun experience for him. I don’t remember specifically, but I am guessing I did not enjoy my first school photo experience…

LOL! Oh well, I have to say I love looking back at photos of my childhood.

Do you still have your first school photos? Are they as dodgy as mine? Or are you a happy little camper like my little person?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

What a great photo! Those big brown eye would melt your heart. I like your school picture too, I wonder what was on your mind at the time :)